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Welcome to LadySKO

It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare. Mark Twain.  

Back in 2007,  I was talking with a colleague about your why, the inspiration in your job.  

She planted an idea - an alternative to being a helicopter pilot - my other dream job. To inspire, motivate and help shape a future work where there is less frustration and more alignment in our work.    

What I believe: 

  • The future of work requires us to have a portfolio approach to work.

    • The good ol days of a savings account only approach to life are over. So is the single source of income approach. You can't bet your horses on one skill. You must be adaptable. The good news is HUMANS are the most adaptable creatures on earth.

    • Many women in particular do repeatable tasks their livlihoods are at risk - increasing the pay gap and the # of women in poverty over 60.

  • We can do better -

    • Too many people I speak with feel frustrated not fulfilled with work - there is no such things as work life balance. There is one life. Try to make productive use of 40 of those hours. 8 hours a day 5 days a week.

    • There is a victim mentality and a fear of conflict that is holding many people back from their best selves.


Thus welcome to my other dream job - to inspire and motivate.