Could a quick phone call save you 20K and cost you 50c a month?
I was diagnosed with breast cancer you can read about it here
Costs from 01 May 2018 till 07 Feb 2019.
Breast Cancer is expensive, it has been well documented. For the nerds and data geeks here are my costs.
I had private health insurance but I never checked my base private health insurance for hospital. I updated and checked my extra’s often… but it isn’t the extra’s that covers you for the big issues.
My private health insurance was worth nothing. I had a motorbike accident in 2014 and they paid nothing and then in 2018 when i was diagnosed with Cancer …
Cancer is a pre existing condition and is not covered.
But it got better. The difference in premium between cancer treatments being included was 50c a month. SHUT THE DOOR !!!! WTF.
SO stop reading this and pick up the phone and call your private health insurance and ask “does my insurance include cancer treatments including surgery? if No, how much does it costs to add it on?”
The worst part of this is that the insurance company asks me to fill out a form it requires a visit to the GP and a visit to the specialist $250 is what that cost me for them to confirm that cancer is a pre-existing condition.
I don’t blame the health insurance company, I blame the government for mandating private health insurance that has not DECREASED the wait times in the public system and then they didn’t enforce minimum packages. The policy I was sold should not be allowed. I would have been better off saving my premiums.
Note I changed from the health insurance company I had to a not for profit health insurance company. I choose GMHBA going forward.
Extract from my book-keeping.
insurance change ended up 49c a month different 49c that could have covered radiation and Surgery.